News and Events

Watch: Backpack Assembly

With the combined efforts of our dedicated members, supportive families, and the enthusiastic teenagers we sponsored for camp, we came together to assemble backpacks filled with essential supplies and goodies. It was heartwarming to see the community’s spirit of generosity and compassion shining through as we prepared these backpacks for those in need. With each backpack, we are sending a message of hope and support, knowing that together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of those we…

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Backpack Donations

ALAV generously donated 150 backpacks filled with school supplies to the Department of Children and Family Services, 220 backpacks with school supplies to Kepple School District, and 60 backpacks with school supplies to the Rotary Club Lancaster. This act of kindness aimed to support children in need, ensuring they have the necessary tools for their education. ALAV’s donation demonstrates their commitment to making a positive impact in the community and providing opportunities for underprivileged children.

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ALAV Helping The Palmdale Dream Center

The Palmdale Dream Center is a fantastic organization that allows young adults to succeed in today’s society. By offering supportive services and a transitional housing facility they ensure that nobody gets left behind regardless of if they aged out of the foster care system. We are proud to offer our funding and support to a great program and look forward to our continued partnership!

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