Assistance League of Antelope Valley participates in numerous programs to benefit the community.
Among our ongoing programs:
- Operation School Bell – Assistance League’s signature national philanthropic program that provides needed products to students (backpacks, school supplies, Target & Walmart gift cards, dental kits, hygiene kits, musical instruments, Christmas Gifts, Easter Baskets, gift giving, reading materials, etc.)
- Assistance League of Antelope Valley Commonality Program – Serving our community needs (assault survivor kits, community awareness speaker event, winter coats, infant and preschool needs, homeless veterans kits, hygiene kits, Homes4Families (Helping Veterans and their families), and Friends of the Cemetery (Headstones for Veterans))
- Assistance League of Antelope Valley Education Program – Assistance League’s scholarship program for students
- Assistance League of Antelope Valley Onesie Program – Projects designed to serve the community with a quick turn-around (house caught on fire; flooding, etc.)
Our Fundraisers
Assistance League of Antelope Valley conducts a series of fundraisers each year that provide funding for our programs. For more information on fundraisers, click here.