Chair: Linda Broderius
Co-Chair: Cassie Anderson
Date: Monday, Oct 25, 2021
Location: Rancho Vista Golf
Even though it was windy and rainy, the ladies still enjoyed golfing!
From left to right: Patty Rardon, Mary Courtney, Rose Rockey, and Patti Kahl.It was windy and the rain was starting to come down.
The ducks were getting ready for the weatherSetting up for the festivities for the night. Our beautiful table setting. The trophies. Justin Rockey was our Auctioneer and did a great job! Robert Sakahara, Dawna Harrison’s husband won Closest to the Pin. Our Emcee for the evening was Dick Olmstead from Kiwanis. First Place: Chad Nelson, Ray Munoz, Rick Wyatt, and Jonas Wyatt Second Place: Zack Ballentine, Glenn Ballentine, Joshua Thomas, and Brooks Merritt Third Place: Shaun Kipp, Kyle Inman, Sam Porter, and Matt Brough Ladies First Place: Anne Caulfield, Alice Barcelona, Carla Kabaniec, and Pat Stevenson Getting ready for the festivities Our Platinum Sponsor Our Gold Sponsor Our Gold Sponsor Our Gold Sponsor Our Gold Sponsor Our Gold Sponsor Our Gold Sponsor Volunteers from AVC Girls Softball Team Listening to our new Marketing Video Madam President Susan Abrams and Chairman Linda Broderius! What a fantastic job everyone did!!!! Getting ready for the Opportunity Baskets, Silent Auction, and Live Auction Opportunity Basket Drawings Players Prizes Players Prizes Players Prizes Silent Auction Live Auction Live Auction Silent Auction Silent Auction Our Thank You to Dick & Cheryl Olmstead for participation and hard work (17 years) with us on the golf tournament. Thank you to Dick & Cheryl Olmstead Thank you to Dick & Cheryl Olmstead