From the President and Executive Director
In what seems like an eternity, it was just two short years ago we were ringing in 2020. Those numbers have another connotation to many of us as well, as in 20/20 – sharp eyesight, clear and perfect vision. Well, we can all probably safely say that the past two years have been anything but perfect. For most, words like “challenging,” “difficult,” “uncertain,” “unimaginable,” “strange,” and many more fit the bill. A new year is always a time when we reflect on the past and look forward to the future. The National Board, Leadership Team, and staff of your Assistance League have been doing just that – looking forward to a reimagined organization that reflects on and honors our past. Most experts say that true shifts in mindset and culture that keep organizations strong and vibrant take about five years to implement and really take hold. What we started as a result of the pandemic is now continuing and will make us a better, stronger, more sustainable, and more effective organization as we do this hard work. In the meantime though, we must always remember why we do what we do as Assistance League leaders, and we must remember who we do this for: those in our communities who need a hand up during the “challenging,” “difficult,” “uncertain,” “unimaginable,” “strange” times in which we are all living. The words below from Assistance League of Riverside member, Barbara Heublein, serve as a clear reminder of what it means to be an Assistance League member-volunteer. We thank her for sharing this poem and we thank YOU for all that you do for Assistance League and our communities. Best wishes for a safe, happy, healthy, and prosperous 2022, Sandy Ross President Matt Zarcufsky, CFREExecutive Director |

I am Grateful
by Barbara Heublein
Assistance League of Riverside
I am grateful for the filled parking spaces when I come to ALR because it means we have lots of volunteers and customers.
I am grateful for the mountains of donated clothes to sort and the never-ending housewares to price because it means we have a way to help our community.
I am grateful for running out of space in our building because it means we are growing.
I am grateful for the aching muscles and sore feet at the end of the day because it means I have been productive and made a difference.
I am grateful for the clothes that fit a little snug because it means I have enough food to eat.
I am grateful for the distance I have to drive because it means I have a home to go back to.
I am grateful for all the complaining I hear because it means we have freedom of speech.
I am grateful for the piles of laundry waiting for me at home because it means I have clothes to wear.
I am grateful for the time and money it took to make our food today because it means we have enough to spare and to share.
I am grateful for the mess we have to clean up after this meeting because it means we have been surrounded by our friends.
Happy Friendsgiving!

Stories from the Chapters

Assistance League of Bend carried out a successful Secret Santa delivery to 341 seniors in their community. You can watch the story that aired on KTZV above, and click here to read the news article on the KTZV website.

The Assisteens of Assistance League of Denver jumped in with both feet in helping prepare over 500 ALDO Bears for distribution to local first responders. This initiative took them 30 minutes, which normally would take hours. Everyone is grateful for their help as well as their spirit. Assisteens are a gift to our chapter.

The WeCare Philanthropy of Assistance League of the Foothill Communities is managed by their Assisteens and is busy all year long with a variety of activities. Click here to read about their favorite program of adopting families at Christmas and how they did it in 2021.

NATIONAL ASSISTANCE LEAGUE 2020 – 2023 Strategic Plan

Click here to read the one-page Strategic Plan.