Out with the Old – In with the New
It’s that time of year when chapters are again beginning their important and valued work in the communities they serve. And the national organization, in turn, is continuing its work, supporting, guiding, and educating its members—the chartered chapters.
Last year, we shared with you, our # 1 Strategic Goal–reimagining the national organization, resulting in a strong, sustainable organization maximizing nonprofit best practice. Strategies to accomplish this goal included simplifying the national requirements for chapters and optimizing access to resources that support chapters. Click here to read more.
2022 Annual Meeting
Thank you for attending the 2022 Annual Meeting on September 14, 2022. If you missed the meeting, or would like to rewatch it, click here.
Follow Us on All Our Social Media Platforms
We would like to encourage all Assistance League Chapters to follow Assistance League National on all social media platforms and like the posts. The more interactive we are on social media the easier it is to amplify our content across all platforms.
We would also motivate the chapters to tag ‘@assistanceleaguenational’ in their posts and in their stories so that they can be re-shared to the National page. Tagging ‘@assistanceleaguenational’ on social media posts will give the chapters the opportunity to get featured on the National page. Essentially the National Page will be giving the chapter a shoutout to display all the amazing social good the chapter is doing.
Stories From Our Chapters
Assistance League of Temecula Valley
Operation School Bell® is in the process of providing new clothes for identified low-income students (TK-12). Each student shops for clothing at a tax-free value of $125. Click hereto read more.
Assistance League of Metro Columbus
To earn a little money for the chapter, Assistance League of Metro Columbus worked at the Ohio State Fair from July 27 through August 7. Click here to read more.
Assistance League of St. Louis
Assistance League of St. Louis volunteers marched in a parade dressed as children’s favorite book characters to welcome aspiring readers to the annual Urban League’s Expo Back to School event. Click here to read more. |
Assistance League of Newport Mesa
Local nonprofit organization, Assistance League of Newport-Mesa, awarded $45,000 in scholarships to 9 local students. For over eighty years now, Assistance League of Newport-Mesa has been transforming the lives of children and adults through community programs. Click here to read more.
Assistance League of Bend
Click here to read about AssistanceLeague of Bend participation in the twenty third anniversary of the Heaven Can Wait 5K Walk/ Run in Redmond, Oregon. |
Assistance League of Indianapolis
… clothes students in need ahead of winter. Click here to read more.
Assistance League of Fresno
Click here to see how AssistanceLeague of Fresno Impacts the Community. |
Assistance League of League Boise
Assistance League of Boise was visited by local station KTVB, Channel 7 to cover the sorting and assembling school supplies.
“Operation School Supplies” provides supplies to about 12,000 elementary and middle school children in West Ada, Boise and Kuna school districts in Ada County to help them with the start of the school year. Click here to watch
Assistance League of Reno Sparks
Imagine having to start school in a strange country with a new language and only the shirt on your back as you arrived. That was the plight of almost two dozen children who recently arrived in Reno, Nevada.
Click here for the story.
Assistance League of Northern Virginia
In June, we were notified of a multi-phased fund-raising campaign for all nonprofit organizations, titled A Community Thrives, sponsored jointly by A Mighty Cause and the Gannett Foundation.
Click here to see Northern Viriginia’s participation.
Click here to read the one-page Strategic Plan.
Stay Up To Date!
Want to ensure you are in the loop on all things Assistance League but not sure if your contact information is accurate? Navigate over to the website, log in, and check out your Member Profile. Here you can update your email address and contact details.
The National Board, National Leadership Team, and staff of National Assistance League sincerely thank those member-donors who have made a gift to support the 2021-2022 Circle Fund. Please click here to see those individuals who have made gifts to the Circle Fund through February 28, 2022. If payment was made by check, the name may not appear until next month’s report.
Circle Fund has always been the only fundraiser for our national organization. In response to requests from members for information materials about Circle Fund, we are introducing two new infographics: Why Donate to Circle Fund? here, and National Assistance League® Brings a Circle of Support to Every Chapter here.